Lucien Harlow Dion

Marketing Director, Lead

Lucien is excited to join the YPE board. He's been a member for several years. Currently a Sr. Analyst at ConEd working on Energy Efficiency measures, Lucien learned about opportunities for a career in the Energy sector after deciding he wanted his career to impact sustainability. This decision led him to the Clean Start program at ACRE NYC, a program comprised of several business classes on energy and policy through NYU's School for Professional Development. That foundation energy knowledge, bolstered by attending YPE events and getting to know the community, kickstarted a journey that included obtaining an MBA from Bard College in impact finance, several consulting engagements, and working as a Municipal Bond advisor, which led back to utility infrastructure and ultimately working in energy efficiency at ConEd. Originally from New Haven, CT, Lucien now lives with his wife and their cat in Brooklyn and enjoys cooking, traveling, and movies with popcorn.